You are purchasing:
One (1) Postcard.
- 5” x 7”
- Uncoated finish that is great for ink absorption.
- The fine tip side of the It’s OK. It’s Art. Colouring Markers are ideal to colour all the tiny details.
This design says: We Cat Do It!
"We CAT Do It! Inspired by Rosie the Riveter, this sassy cat is one tough pussy! Double sided postcards are great to colour & send to a friend, or frame in a collection. Postcards are standard 5""x7"". Black and white postcards are a matte finish for easy colouring. Full colour postcards are glossy finish. Art by It's OK. It's ART. "
I hand-draw these designs using pencil and ink, then I digitally scan them, edit the designs for clarity, and then they are digitally printed on the postcards and are ready to colour.
Design is Coloured. Uncoloured version available from dropdown menu.